DIY Your Solution!
Dear Student, welcome to the project on DIY-ing a solution to a practical problem you face everyday that prevents you from performing at your maximum level in school. If you follow all the steps, at the end you should be able to have a prototype solution along with those of your friends that you could share.
Are you ready?
What you need to have
- A computer with an internet connection
- Some basic Canva design skills
- Some patience to watch a few videos :)
- Lots of curiosity on MakerEd
- A problem you want to solve
- A willingness to solve it
What you will learn
- How to brainstorm ideas with your friends
- How to choose one idea and develop it
- How to implement it step by step
- How to take and incorporate feedback
What you must submit at the end of the project
- A virtual prototype
- A cardboard prototype
- A poster explaining your DIY solution
- An oral presentation of your learning
The Process
This process is divided in to three parts and each part is divided further into other steps. Part 1 — Familiarise ; Part 2 — Co create; Part 3 — Exhibit. Do not worry you will be given ample instruction to guide you through all the parts.
Step 1 : Brainstorm with your friends and make a list of practical problems that hinder your performance in school. Write down your list of problems (note at least 2)
Step 2 : Watch the following videos and listen to them attentively.
Now that you know what MakerEd is watch this tutorial on making a quick and easy robot!
Can you think of any of your problems that you can solve with the above robot? Search the internet for other such projects.
Step 3 : Form a group with your friends who have similar problems and each one must come up with one DIY maker Ed solution for one of your problems.
Step 4 : We will have a feedback session on your ideas.
In this phase we actually start making!
Step 1 : Create a virtual prototype of your solution using Canva or even Paint!
Step 2: Get feedback from your friends. Incorporate it into your project.
Step 3: Now make this into a cardboard prototype.
Step 1 : Make a poster explaining your solution! Present it to the class
Step 2 : Talk about what you learnt from this project
Now we’ve reached the end of this. How do you know how you will be graded? Here’s a schema.
- Student submits all deliverables — 40 (10 per deliverable)
- Student submits all deliverables & demonstrates acquisition of a own design process — 50
Need a checklist to help you? Here it is!
- I have completed the virtual prototype
- I have completed the rough prototype
- I have taken feedback in to consideration at all stages
- I have completed the poster
- I have completed the final presentation
- I have a clear idea on how I can take a product from start to finish
Here’s an easy visualisation of the process!

If you’ve completed all the steps, good job! You’ve learnt how to creatively solve problems!